Coronavirus updates at NRW.

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We are still open and running at about half capacity. With the Covid-19 rules, 2020 has been a strange and difficult year for a lot of people. After the initial lockdown, we have been able to keep training many of our client’s due to us being classed as secondary/essential healthcare.

NRW has been offering video calls to clients who are more vulnerable, and want to train with less risk than attending a 1-1 session. We will be continuing the video calls into 2021 and may even keep them after some normality returns, as they have proved to be beneficial and cost effective to those concerned.

The lockdown brought about some inevitable changes to our working environment, and we had to move to a smaller, private gym at the Training Centre, Glynneath. Here, we have continued to be fully committed, continuing our risk assessments and ensuring our PPE is fully stocked. This provides a safe training area so essential exercise can continue, but without the worry that Coronavirus brings. Our clients safety is paramount.

Brandon, NRW


NRW Appreciation post


Nutrition 101