Nutrition 101


Here is some advice on nutrition.

Our suggested Breakfast consists of water or herbal/green Tea, with some complex carbohydrates such as porridge oats, mix in some fruit and a spoonful of honey. Alternatively, poached eggs on brown bread with avocado would also be as efficient.

Lunchtime meals include chicken breast, basmati/brown rice and some veg such as broccoli or peas alongside. Add a spoonful of sauce for flavour if this is too bland. Alternatively, jacket potato with tuna and low fat coleslaw would be a good option. Add some more veg alongside such as a salad.

For tea time, a salmon stir fry with beansprouts and salad, some egg noodles and mix in some healthy flavouring for added taste. Alternatively some spaghetti Bolognese with low fat/quorn mince and red peppers, red onions. Have a cold glass of orange juice or water to wash it down.

Snacks throughout the day could be nuts, fruit, yogurt or a small sandwich. Water is the elixir of life the more you drink the more healthy you will be.

Thanks for reading.

Alec, NRW.


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