New Instructors and Funding.
2024 has been a good year at NRW (ARNI), We have had 2 new instructors on our books who are fully qualified through the ARNI programme and our first full time female instructor. NRW has also secured funding for the next 3 years so the instructors can build up their client base and learn while getting funding support.
There has also been more equipment acquired and many more clients referred through the NHS and Doctors surgery.
Our aim for 2025 is to get more referrals from the NHS and links to all local practices so we can help more people with their recovery journey. We are also on the look for a bigger venue as we are out growing the Training centre in Glynneath and will keep you all posted on where we are heading and what we have planned for the near future.
‘Neuro Rehab Wales is verified as a professional company on Instagram’.